The Bucket List

I used to do typical New Years Resolutions and most of the time, I would just end up dissapointed or annoyed if I "failed" or didn't complete the things on my list. So a few years ago I started making yearly "bucket lists" and here is what happened....
I decided to make a list of things I would actually enjoy doing in the new year. I found myself adding things that made my life genuinely more rich. Of course there was the typical "go to the gym more" or "be a better person" but for the most part it was full of time with my family, adventures with my friends, important goals and most importantly FUN! At the end of my first year whatever I didn't do, just moved to the next year!
Here are a few of our team's 2018 Bucket List items...

Take a road trip in a motor home

Beach vacation to Mexico

Visit as many Colorado ghost towns as possible

Ski the Highland Bowl at Aspen Mountain
Take a vacation to La Jolla California